You are being provided Pre-Foreclosure Tax Delinquent Leads for Dallas County, TX.These are properties that are delinquent in taxes, but have not been foreclosed on by the county and the owners are still in control & possession of the property.
You can deal directly with the owners & purchase the property at below market value by paying off the outstandings on the taxes and something to the owner as well.
This will avoid a Tax Sale Auction where the owner would not receive anything and you would be fighting for the property in an auctions against dozens of other investors who want the property.
Plus, this process is much faster too since you're dealing with the owner.
All our lists are checked and regenerated EACH time an order is placed so that you have the most current data at all times.
PS: Please refer to the screenshot of the list to see all the fields included in the actual list for this county
I needed to convert county tax roll data into Excel. This seller did a great job.
:hudminer does excellent work. I will use this seller's services again.
:Very Good Work
:Very helpful and communicated constantly through the entire process
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